BDL Heating & Cooling handles all Mass Save paperwork for their clients, including loan and rebate applications, to save them time and frustration.
BDL Heating & Cooling works extensively with Mass Save to save customers money on their home heating and air conditioning needs.
The Mass Save HEAT Loan offers 0% financing opportunities for eligible energy-efficient upgrades.
Energy efficiency is a home investment that pays off now, and for years to come, through lower energy use. The Sponsors of Mass Save are here to help make your home energy projects more affordable.
Financing is available for a variety of energy-efficient upgrades—including insulation, heat pump installations, batteries, and more.
Effective January 1, 2025, the maximum financeable amount for the Mass Save HEAT Loan will be $25,000.
BDL Heating & Cooling also handles all Mass Save paperwork for their clients, including loan and rebate applications, to save them time and frustration.
Below is a list of the available rebates offered through Mass Save.

Heat Pump Rebates
Air Source Heat Pump Rebates
Rebates are based on whether the heat pump system will be serving the whole-home or partial-home.
Whole-home rebates are available to customers who install heat pumps as the sole source of heating and cooling. See the Whole-Home Heat Pump Verification Form for details.
Partial-home rebates are offered based on equipment size (tonnage) to customers who plan to keep an existing boiler or furnace in place to supplement a new heat pump system.
Air-Source Heat Pump rebates have changed as of January 1, 2025
- The whole-home heat pump rebate incentive is $3,000 per ton, capped at $10,000.
- Customers in 5+ unit homes are eligible to receive the whole-home rebate, provided all requirements noted on whole-home verification form can be met.
- All other whole-home heat pump requirements remain the same. There are no changes to the partial-home rebate, which will remain at $1,250 per ton.
- The above changes are effective for installations that take place on or after January 1, 2025.
Air to Water Heat Pump Rebates
Thermostat Rebates
- Purchase & Install Eligible Equipment
Have a licensed contractor or plumber install equipment. - Submit Rebate Form with Required Documentation
Apply Online
*Towns With Municipal Electric Service Are Disqualified From Mass Save Electric Rebates*
*Some Municipal Electric Companies Offer Rebates- Contact Us For Details*