BDL Heating & Cooling handles all Mass Save paperwork for their clients, including loan and rebate applications, to save them time and frustration.

BDL Heating & Cooling works extensively with Mass Save to save customers money on their home heating and air conditioning needs.

BDL Heating & Cooling is a heat pump installer network certified contractor and can get many homeowners a 0% interest loan up to $50,000 toward qualified energy efficiency home improvements with terms up to seven years (84-months). Certain aspects of this loan program are being phased out by April 30, 2024. Read more about your options here.

BDL Heating & Cooling also handles all Mass Save paperwork for their clients, including loan and rebate applications, to save them time and frustration.

Below is a list of the available rebates offered through Mass Save.

Heat Pump Rebates

Boliers & Furnaces Rebates

Commercial Heat Pump Rebates

Thermostat Rebates

*Towns With Municipal Electric Service Are Disqualified From Mass Save Electric Rebates*

*Some Municipal Electric Companies Offer Rebates- Contact Us For Details*